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Dress Code Update for 2020-2021

Posted Date: 09/28/2020

Dress Code Update for 2020-2021

July 13, 2020 

Dear Parents/Guardians, 

As we prepare for the return of students for on-campus learning, Pineywoods Community Academy is working to address many safety and sanitation concerns. We are also working to take in our families' needs as they prepare to return to school. 

For the 2020-2021 school year, PCA will continue to maintain a standardized dress code for all students. 

To assist families with financial concerns, PCA administrators will allow Friday dress code for any day of the week. Students may wear uniform pants/shorts (khaki, navy, grey), collared shirt (navy, grey, white), jeans, PCA school t-shirt, or college t-shirt. Any combination from the above list will be acceptable. 

Details regarding dress code are located in the Parent/Student Handbook on 

The Texas Education Agency is requiring facemask for all students grades 5th through 12th. Masks are encouraged in grades Pre-k through 4th. Masks may be any color. Masks with designs must not interfere with the instructional program or become a distraction to the instructional program. PCA administrators have the final decision regarding instructional interference. 

With students wearing facemask as a precaution of COVID-19, we want to ensure that students remain identifiable. Individuals wearing masks and head coverings/hoods are not easily identifiable and can jeopardize school safety protocols. 

Because school safety is of utmost importance, PCA will have a No Tolerance policy regarding all head coverings worn on campus. PCA administrators will confiscate the head covering or hoodie/jacket of any student caught wearing a hood or head covering. Parents will be notified, and the parent must pick up the article of clothing. Students that repeatedly jeopardize school safety protocols will be assigned ISS. 

We appreciate your help and look forward to returning to school.